Guided Meditation For Readers of the Master Key (Grace T Kim's Interview)

Ludovic is glad to announce a partnership with Grace T Kim, R. Ac., Master, Healer, Author, Coach.

Grace T Kim has accepted to create a guided meditation for readers of The Master Key with 2 exercises: one to prepare to an important negotiation and the other to reset during an important negotiation. We have asked a few questions to Grace T Kim about her career and her motivations to work with Ludovic:

You specialize in energy healing and chi? What is your story?

I have dedicated my whole life to the practice of cultivating chi (qi/life force energy)  and meditation, which led me to the vocation of becoming an energy healer. My journey started with martial arts training at a very young age from my father who is a taekwondo grandmaster who taught kigong (Korean QiGong).  After becoming a master instructor myself, I became an acupuncturist and a yoga instructor.  Although I always had strong intuitive abilities since I was young child, it was later in life when I decided to become a professional energy healer because it enabled me to reach more people and help them in areas that were being overlooked - subconscious thoughts, energy blocks, and spirituality.

Why do you promote meditation?

​Meditation is the most effective way to master your mind to achieve laser focus and inner peace.

It is also a path to inner healing and mind-body balance.  These days, we are inundated with stress with an excess of information to process.  Meditation is an imperative practice these days to ensure that we allow our minds to be silent when we need to rest. Mastering the mind is the first step towards being your higher self and living your best life.

Why did you decide to cooperate with Ludovic?

​Ludovic wrote a book, The Master Key, that highlights overlooked factors that improves your influence and negotiations. After reading it, I was impressed by his research on meditation and other interesting insights that affect the mind and your physiology, such as the importance of sleep. When he asked me to create a guided meditation for his readers, I was more than happy to collaborate because I have a lot of clients from the business world who significantly benefit from meditation and energy healing.

How can meditation benefit negotiators and how can they use it to their advantage?

Negotiations require a great deal of mindfulness and self-control to be truly great at it, as you have written in your book.  I am a strong advocate of meditation being a daily practice in business not only to help the mind to focus on daily tasks, but also to regain self-awareness  Meditation declutters the brain from excessive thoughts that distract you from your daily goals.  When you are able to be still and silent in the mind, you can detect imbalances in your body before they become diseases and emotional responses before you react unfavourably.  Once you go down this rabbit hole of mindfulness, you eventually notice the energy blocks or the root causes of your emotional responses in negotiations that have nothing to do with the negotiation. After clearing these blocks with energy healing, you become a master of your mind and a master negotiator.

Meditation exercises are available at (password is in The Master Key or in the Negotiation Essentials booklet available at www.

For more information about Grace T Kim, please visit